About Us
Meet the Owner
Hey there! I’m Akilah, your friendly neighborhood unicorn here to spread a little bit of fun and inspiration. Yes, I’ve had my DNA checked and yes, I’m truly half unicorn. There are folks out there who claim to be pureblood unicorns but it’s no easy task handling all that majestic awesomeness, so I tip my hat to them cause I’m barely in control of mine! I’m the mother of two and I’ve been married for over 100 years. I was told I have an off sense of humor so let me apologize now.
Anyway, I’ve been meaning to get this shop up and running but it took several years before I finally woke up, looked in the mirror and said "Stop. This. Shit!" This shit being doubt, fear, and worry that my ideas are corny and this would all be a waste. Well, they might be, but so what, right? There’s bound to be a handful of people on this planet that find my products cool. The ones that find it corny just aren’t ready to handle all this majesticness…at least that’s what I’m telling myself.
The initial products launching in my store, the “AF” line, contain words I’d repeat over and over so I’d finally stop second-guessing myself, kick my fears aside and chase down my dreams. I hope they motivate you as well. So, you’ll spot tokens of inspiration here as well as other products that are slightly humorous because I’m a complete goofball who loves to laugh in my spare time. Welcome to my little corner of the internet and I hope you find something fantastical here at The Half Unicorn.